The staff team at WLD...

The quality of what we do is dependent upon having the very best team of staff across all aspects of life at our school.  We are an exceptionally supportive team! Our aim is to ensure that WLD is an excellent place to work where everyone is trusted to do the very best for our students and where everyone's contribution is valued.

Miss S Allen (SAL) 

Assistant Curriculum Leader English.  

Mrs E Bailey (EBA)         

House Achievement Leader Endeavour

Mrs H Brown (HBR) 

Assistant Headteacher 

Mr D Cairns (DCA) 

Assistant Curriculum Leader Mathematics

Mr P Carr (PCR) 

Curriculum Leader Mathematics 

Mr P Carroll (PCA) 

Site staff 

Mr M Cassidy (MCS) 


Mr D Charles (DCH)

Physical Education 

Miss A Christian (ACH) 

Curriculum Leader English 

Mr L Christie (LCH) 


Ms S Couzins (SCO)

Teaching Assistant 

Mrs E Cox (ECO) 


Mrs T Davies (TDA) 

Catering Assistant 

Mr J Davison (JDA) 

Humanities: History, Curriculum Leader Reading and Literacy

Mr S Donnison (SDO)

Curriculum Leader Technology 

Mrs L Eastham (LEA) 

Physical Education 

Mrs S Mullen (SMU) 


Miss S Fielding (SFI)


Mrs L Ford (LFO) 

Teaching Assistant 

Miss N Foy (NFO) 

Catering Manager

Miss C Fox (CFO)

House Achievement Leader Apollo

Mr J Gardner (JGA) 

Acting SENCO. Teacher of English

Mr B Golden (BGO) 

Teacher of Science 

Mrs N Gonzalez (NGO)


Mr J Grave (JGR)

Science Technician

Mr P Grave (PGR) 

Technology Technician 

Mrs C Halliwell (CHA) 

School Business Support Officer 

Miss J Hardman (JHA)


Ms N Harrison (NHA)

Catering Assistant 

Mr S Harvey (SHA) 

ICT Network Manager

Mrs P Heywood-Connor (PHC) 

Expressive Arts: Drama; Temporary Curriculum Leader of Drama 

Mrs V Hill (VHI) 

Humanities: Curriculum Leader Religious Education, Lead Teacher for EAL

Mr L Hilton (LHI)


Mrs L Hodgson (LHO) 

Headteacher’s PA & Cover Manager 

Mrs R Holden (RHO) 

Curriculum Leader Modern Foreign Languages 

Mr S Keith (SKE) 

Humanities: Geography 

Ms J King (JKI) 

Conduct Manager 

Miss M Knight (MKN) 

School Business Support Officer 

Mr P Lamoury (PLA)


Miss H Lappin (HLA) 

Curriculum Leader Science 

Ms K Lloyd (KLL) 


Mrs L Lo (LLO) 

Humanities: History 

Mrs R Long (RLO) 

Deputy Headteacher (Teaching, Learning and Curriculum), English. 

Mrs J Main (JMI) 

Curriculum Leader Humanities 

Mr D Martin (DMA) 


Mrs D McClelland (DMC) 

Assistant Headteacher Conduct and Culture

Mrs J Meadowcroft (JME) 

House Achievement Leader Discovery

Mr J Moorcroft-Jones (JMJ) 

Computing and Business Studies 

Mr J G Moore (GMO) 

Curriculum Leader Physical Education 

Mrs E Murray (EMU) 

Curriculum Leader Music 

Mrs H Myerscough (HMY) 

Attendance Officer 

Mrs E Nuttall (ENU)

House Achievement Leader Voyager

Mrs L Nuttall (LNU) 

Catering Manager

Mrs P New (PNE) 

Modern Foreign Languages 

Miss E Parker (EPA) 


Mrs L Parker (LPA) 

School Business Support Officer 

Ms H Patel (HPA) 

Cover Supervisor 

Mr R Patel (RPA) 

Assistant Curriculum Leader Science

Mrs S Piggott (SPI) 

Mathematics (Maternity Leave) 

Ms M Richardson (MRI) 

Computing and Business Studies 

Mrs L Crozier (LCO)

Examinations and Data Officer 

Mrs G Roberts (GRO) 

School Business Support Officer 

Mrs N Robinson (NRO) 


Mrs C Rowson (CRO) 

Modern Foreign Languages; Lead Teacher: Wider Life of School

Mr N Samuels (NSA)

House Achievement Leader Challenger

Mr D Sharples (DSH) 

Curriculum Leader Art 

Ms S Sharples (SSH) 


Mrs L Shaw (LSH) 

Technology: Food 

Mr A Straw (AST) 

Teaching Assistant  

Mrs R Sweeney (RSW) 

Curriculum Leader Health & Social Care & PSHE; History;  

Ms C Conway (CCO)

Attendance Assistant 

Mr D Turner (DTU) 

Curriculum Leader Computing and Business Studies 

Mrs P Wall (PWA) 

Deputy Headteacher (Pastoral), Safeguarding Officer (DSL)

Mrs S Walmsley (SWA) 

HLTA. Pastoral support  

Mrs L Ward (LWA)

Curriculum Leader Geography

Ms C Whittaker-Bryan (CBR) 

Physical Education & Humanities 

Mrs S Yaqub (SYA) 

Humanities: Geography 

Miss S Youssouf (SYO) 


Financial information:  We are required to publish the information that we have no employees who earn more than £100,000 per year.