Meet The House Achievement Leaders 

Within each House there are 6 vertical form tutor groups 

Apollo – Miss Fox 

Hello, my name is Miss Fox and I am so excited to welcome you all to Walton Le Dale High. 

I am the House Achievement Leader for Apollo. It is my job to help you settle into secondary school and support you right through to year 11. I am really looking forward to welcoming you all to this wonderful school in September and getting to know you all better. 


Challenger – Mr Samuel 

Hello, my name is Mr Samuel and I am the House Achievement Leader for Challenger. I have been working at Walton-Le-Dale since June 2023 and have been part of establishing the ethos and culture of the Challenger House. When you see me, although you might find me quite daunting due to how tall I am, I am like the Big Friendly Giant. 

I enjoy spending time with my family at weekends at parks and going on bike rides. I am an avid Manchester City fan and will get to the Etihad when I can find the time. I also enjoy watching films and going to the cinema and with my favourite especially the Marvel franchise. 

Although coming to High school might be quite scary and daunting for you, all the House Achievement Leaders will do all we can to make your transition into Walton-Le-Dale the easiest it can be.  

I recommend trying new and different activities and clubs during lunch and after school as this will make it easier for you to settle as well as make new friends. 

I am looking forward to meeting you. 


Discovery – Mrs Meadowcroft 

Hi, I’m Mrs Meadowcroft, the House Achievement Leader for Discovery. I am here to support  

your transition to Walton le Dale. While it can be daunting, I want you to look upon it as an exciting opportunity to find a new favourite subject, meet new friends and find a new hobby! I look forward to meeting you all! 


Endeavour – Mrs Bailey 

Hello, my name is Mrs Bailey and I am the House Achievement Leader for Endeavour. I have worked here for 7 years and have helped hundreds of students settle in their new chapter of high school. 

In my spare time I enjoy travelling, reading and getting outside for long walks with my family.  

High school can be quite scary at first, however we have a great team of staff who will look after you. If you need any help or support you can find me in the HALs office and around your form room in the morning. 

My top tip is to join a club when you start high school, this is a great way to make new friends and pick up a new hobby!  

I am really looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you to Walton-Le-Dale high school. 


Voyager – Mr Campbell 

Hello. I’m Mr Campbell and I will be your Head of House throughout your time at Walton le Dale High School. It’s my role to look after every student in Voyager and to provide you with support to help you be successful and to enjoy your time at school. I am friendly, so please come to speak to me if you need my support with anything. You will see me during form time and around school throughout the day. Outside of school I enjoy running and catching up on TV shows. I’m looking forward to meeting you all and supporting you during your time at Walton le Dale.