We are now running our Progress Evenings on site.  We will be using the Schoolcloud system to make the bookings, but the appointments will be in person at school.  The link for our school  system  to make bookings is https://waltonledale.schoolcloud.co.uk/ 

It is important to note that each teacher can have about 25 appointments in the course of the evening and the duration of each appointment is fixed.  Some teachers, particularly in the lower years of school, will teach several groups so it is important to prioritise which teachers you wish to speak to.  Please recognise that this is just one way in which we communicate with parents and carers and we are happy to arrange email or telephone feedback from teachers who you may not be able to see.   


2024-25 Dates for your diary: Parents' Evenings and Progress Evenings


Please find below the dates for our Progress Evenings this year. 


Years 7 to 11 Thursday 10th October 2024  Settling in parents' evening (video-call) Appointments with Form Tutors  4.00-6.00pm
Year 7 Thursday 20th March 2025 Progress Evening (face to face) Appointments with Subject Teachers  4.00-6.30pm 
Year 8 Thursday 27th February 2025 Progress Evening (face to face) Appointments with Subject Teachers  4.00-6.30pm 
Year 9 Thursday 6th February 2025 Progress Evening & Options Information Evening (face to face) Appointments with Subject Teachers and opportunities to find out about the Year 9 Options Process  4.00-6.30pm 
Year 10 Thursday 16th January 2025 Progress Evening (face to face) Appointments with Subject Teachers  4.00-6.30pm 
Year 11 Thursday 5th December 2024 Progress Evening 1 (face to face) Appointments with Subject Teachers  4.00-6.30pm 
Year 11  Thursday 13th February 2025 Progress Evening 2 (face to face) Appointments with Subject Teachers  4.00-6.30pm 


The first one will take place on 10th October. This is a 'settling in' parents' evening when you will have the chance to speak to your child's form tutor to see how they have settled into the new academic year. This will be done virtually by video call through SchoolCloud. More details will be emailed to you about this, along with details for Year 7 parents and carers to explain how to log in to SchoolCloud. 


All our other Progress Evenings this academic year will take place in the school building with face to face appointments. We also use SchoolCloud as our appointment system for our face to face Progress Evenings. We encourage our students to come to the Progress Evenings with you. 


We look forward to seeing you and our students at these evenings.

Mrs Helen Brown